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Love Spells

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Love Spells Incense

Many love spells use incense containing rose, juniper, cloves, sandalwood, bergamot and violets. These herbs and flowers change the atmosphere from normal to love magical! As the love spells witch smells the perfumes, changes take place in her mind as she casts your love spell. As your love spells witch chants her magical requests, the perfumes have altered her mind and she is 'talismanic' and adding power to your love spell. Incense means 'through smoke.'

Musk has the same smell as pheromones, which is why human beings love the smell and are attracted to someone wearing a perfume containing muck. If the perfume also contains other fragrances you find appealing you could well find yourself under a perfume love spell. Perfumes work magic on your mind, therefore all love spells include incense, oils of perfumes.

A love spells witch has to ground herself after casting a love spell before entering 'reality' again, one of the reasons is because the incense and hypnotic fragrances have affected her!

Tip - If you lover says they like your perfume - keep wearing it. If someone you aren't remotely interested in says they like your perfume, throw it out of your window.

Since smell is one of a witch's six senses, perfume is exceptionally important to a love spell since all love spells make use of our senses - six in a love spells witches case: psychic, sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.

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Love Spells Available

Pure, Fast Working Love Spell

Honeymoon Love Spell

Cleopatra Reuniting Love Spell

Can't Live Without You Love Spells

Crux (Southern Cross) Love Spell

Customised Love Spells

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